Dermatology Associates of Central NJ
Dermatologists & Mohs Surgery located in Old Bridge, Toms River, Union & Freehold, NJ
Warts come from viruses, and the best way to deal with them is eliminating that virus. The experienced team at Dermatology Associates of Central NJ in Old Bridge, Union, and Freehold, New Jersey, offers a variety of effective treatments to erase the wart and the virus that caused it. Click the online booking tool to schedule your visit now, or call the office closest to you for an appointment today.
Warts Q & A
What are warts?
Warts are small skin growths that appear as bumps on your top skin layer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) family viruses cause warts, and there are many ways the virus can enter your body. Usually, a small cut or skin scrape is HPV's entry point. Sometimes, warts go away without treatment, but in most cases, you need care from an expert dermatologist.
What are the different kinds of warts?
There are several types of warts, including:
- Common Warts: Common warts typically grow on the hands, often on the fingers. This kind of wart has a rough texture, and it's usually light in color. Common warts may have a group of small, dark-colored dots, which are dried blood.
- Plantar Warts: Plantar warts grow on the bottom of the feet, and they often make it very painful to walk. Usually, plantar warts are skin-colored, but they can also be lighter or darker. Plantar warts may have black dots from burst blood vessels, as well.
- Periungual Warts: Periungual warts grow around the fingernails. Initially, periungual warts are pin-sized and translucent. Over time, the warts can grow darker and larger, and they may multiply as well. You may be more likely to have these warts if you bite your nails.
- Filiform Warts: Filiform warts appear on the face, usually on the mouth, eyelids, or nose. They're very different than other warts because they're long growths similar to skin tags. Usually, filiform warts are skin-colored or lighter than your skin.
- Flat Warts: Flat warts are pin-sized bumps with a smooth flat top. They're most common on the face and the legs. Flat warts can be pink, yellow, or brown.
Your Dermatology Associates of Central NJ doctor can deal with all types of warts.
What is the treatment for warts?
The treatment for warts depends on the type of wart and its location. Treatment options include:
- Salicylic acid: Topical gel, topical liquid, or skin pads to dissolve wart tissue
- Liquid nitrogen: To freeze the wart, so your doctor can erases the dead wart tissue
- Electrical stimulation: Electrical energy to kill the wart before the doctor erases it
If none of these methods are effective, your dermatologist may recommend surgical removal of the wart and some of the surrounding tissue.
Want the warts gone? Use online booking or call the office closest to you for an appointment now.
*Individual results may vary.

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