Dermatology Associates of Central NJ
Dermatologists & Mohs Surgery located in Old Bridge, Toms River, Union & Freehold, NJ
Are you dealing with lumpy, bumpy, red skin around your cheeks and nose? Rosacea may be the culprit. While rosacea is hard to deal with on your own, an expert dermatologist like those at Dermatology Associates of Central NJ can help you control the flare-ups with prescription therapies tailored just for you. Use the online booking tool or call to arrange a visit at the Old Bridge, Union, Toms River, or Freehold, New Jersey, locations now.
Rosacea Q & A
What is rosacea?
Rosacea often resembles severe adult acne. It can cause inflamed skin, lumps and bumps, and even significant skin thickening including a bulbous nose. Usually, rosacea is most obvious on the cheeks, nose, and forehead. Sometimes, it also appears on the chin, neck, or in other parts of the body.
Rosacea occurs in cycles. You might have long periods with clear skin followed by major flare-ups. Flare-ups are often triggered by certain substances or environmental conditions, including:
- Excessive sun exposure
- Stress
- Extreme temperatures
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Spicy foods
- Some medications, especially those that dilate blood vessels
- Strenuous exercise
If you closely track the circumstances around your flare-ups, you may be able to minimize your rosacea by combining effective treatment with avoiding triggers whenever possible.
Why does rosacea happen?
The cause of rosacea isn't definitively known, but the following things may contribute:
- Irregularities in blood vessels
- Fair skin tone
- Skin mites
- H. pylori bacteria, which can encourage blood vessel dilation
- Genetics
In some cases, rosacea sufferers don't have any of the issues. Regardless of the cause of rosacea, there are highly effective treatments to control the symptoms.
What is the treatment for rosacea/
Your dermatology team at Dermatology Associates of Central NJ can customize a rosacea treatment plan for you. Usually, rosacea treatment has many parts, and it may include:
- Medication: Oral antibiotics can help relieve inflammation. Some of the most common medications for rosacea include tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocycline.
- Topical Treatments: Topical creams or lotions containing azelaic acid can help with bumpy skin and swelling, while topical antibiotics can relieve redness and roughness.
- Phototherapy Treatment: Phototherapy treatment with the Excilite® system can be highly effective for rosacea. In particular, phototherapy treatment can reduce or erase visible facial blood vessels and thickened facial skin.
- Skin Care: Using high-quality, gentle skin care products is an important part of minimizing your rosacea flare-ups. Your Dermatology Associates of Central NJ dermatologist can recommend specific gentle but still-effective products.
Need rosacea relief now? Book your appointment online or by phone at the location nearest you today.

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