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Tips for Managing Your Rosacea in the Summer

If you’re one of the 14 million Americans dealing with red, bumpy skin caused by rosacea, you know that hot weather causes major flare-ups. Even in New Jersey, where we enjoy a mild climate, the summers can heat up along with the humidity.

The dermatology team at Dermatology Associates of Central New Jersey knows how to help you get relief from the bumps, swelling, redness, and roughness of this common skin condition, and customize an effective treatment plan for all your rosacea symptoms.

Here are some things you can do to manage your rosacea this summer:

Grab some shade

Simply avoiding the direct sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the day, could reduce your chances of rosacea flare-ups.

Stay indoors between 10am and 2pm to avoid the most intense direct sunlight, wear a wide-brimmed hat when you do go out (or carry an umbrella), and heed the advice of our expert dermatologists — always wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Stay cool

Direct sunlight is not the only heat you need to avoid if you have rosacea. Everything is hotter in the summer, like your house, your office, and your car — it’s even hot in the shade. Take advantage of air-conditioned malls and theaters whenever you can, and dress in cool, breathable clothing.

Staying well hydrated also helps you keep you cool. In the summer months, drink plenty of water to help prevent your blood vessels from dilating, which causes your rosy rosacea look.

Cut back on caffeine

That warm cuppa joe you enjoy in the morning may be worsening your rosacea in two ways: it’s hot, and it contains caffeine. Even if you switch to iced coffee or tea for the summer, the caffeine may trigger a flare-up.

Stimulants in tea, coffee, sugar, and even cigarettes expand your blood vessels. If you have rosacea, avoid those triggers if you possibly can, or at least cut back.

Check your meds

Certain medications can also dilate your blood vessels and cause your face to flush. If you’re taking beta blockers, it may be part of the problem. Vitamin B3 (niacin) could also do it. Talk to one of our dermatologists to find out if any of your current medications might be aggravating your rosacea, and if there are any alternatives.

Speaking of medications, our team might also recommend oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline to reduce inflammation, one of the main symptoms of rosacea.

Go virgin

Alcohol opens up your blood vessels and gives your skin a flushed look. It also dehydrates you, another enemy of rosacea.

If you don’t want to give alcohol up completely, at least moderate your intake, and stay away from red wine: it contains tyramines, which are known to dilate your blood vessels more other alcoholic beverages.

Skip the spice

The foods you choose can make a difference in your rosacea symptoms, so watch what you eat. Capsaicin, the chemical found in most peppers, causes your blood vessels to enlarge and your face to go red.

Opt for cooler foods and those that tend to reduce inflammations, such as cucumbers, turmeric, cauliflower, asparagus, and more. Your face, and your gut, will thank you.

Lather up

Your skin is you body’s main defense against the outside elements, but with rosacea, that barrier’s been compromised. Do your best this summer to keep your skin moisturized to give it a helping hand.

Our doctors recommend ointments and creams with a high oil content, which creates a good barrier, especially those containing azelaic acid, which can reduce bumpy skin and swelling. They may also give you topical antibiotics to relieve redness and roughness.

Calm down

Stress can make your rosacea worse. Identify your stressors and avoid them this summer. But be prepared: it’s good to have some tricks up your sleeve in case you’re cornered in a stressful situation. Breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation can improve your ability to deal with stress so that it won’t affect your rosacea or your overall health.

Take a selfie

If you’re ready to get rid of your ruddy complexion, phototherapy treatment with the Excilite® system may be the answer you’ve been waiting for. Our dermatologists use phototherapy treatment to reduce or eliminate your visible facial blood vessels and thickened facial skin — a dream come true for rosacea sufferers.

If you need a little help managing your rosacea symptoms this summer, the experts at Dermatology Associates of Central New Jersey would love to meet with you. They can help you determine the best way to face your face, from the proper skin care regimen, to medication and topical ointments, to phototherapy treatments.

Call any one of our three locations today or book an appointment online to get started on your personal rosacea treatment plan.

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