CoolSculpting: The Noninvasive Solution to Stubborn Belly Fat Look This Summer

You’ve worked hard to achieve a healthy body weight, and with that work came the shape you always wanted – almost. Chances are good that you retained a pocket here or a pouch there, stores of fat that refused to respond to diet and exercise. These betray all your efforts, leaving reminders of the mom or dad bod you worked so hard to leave in the past.
There’s always liposuction surgery to banish these unwanted rolls, but attacking them surgically is extreme, and you may not have the flexibility to take the downtime along with the treatment. The ideal approach would be a procedure that takes little time out of your day, lets you return to your routine immediately, and effectively reshapes your stubborn retained fat into the body contours you’re after. You’re in luck. CoolSculpting® does just that.
Your problem areas
The fat cells in your body develop in childhood and your teen years and remain virtually constant throughout the rest of your life, though their contents will vary, expanding and contracting as you gain and lose weight. As you get older, your body may alter the way and the places that it uses these cells, but the number of cells remains consistent.
When you’ve achieved a stable weight, but you have rolls or pouches that resist change, it’s simply your body working the way it does. However, that may not be good enough in your case, and changing the profile of these fat stores becomes a priority.
The CoolSculpting process
Like all cells in your body, those that make up your fat deposits have their own properties and vulnerabilities. The CoolSculpting system takes the temperature sensitivity of fat tissue into account and treats localized stores with a unique cooling action.
Technically called cryolipolysis, the CoolSculpting process lowers the temperature of fat cells in your problem areas to the vulnerability point, at which about 25% of the cells in the treatment area are compromised. Your body sees these fat cells as damaged and starts a process to remove them from your body, along with the adipose tissue they contain.
What’s more, those cells aren’t replaced. As these treated cells depart, so does your current profile. Your fat is literally frozen away.
The CoolSculpting treatment
Since each patient has unique characteristics, every CoolSculpting treatment caters to individual needs, so your session may be as short as about half an hour, or it may go longer if you choose to treat multiple areas. The procedure is passive. After the CoolSculpting applicator is placed, you’re free to read or use a smartphone or tablet.
You can treat any or all of nine areas approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including under the chin and jaw, on the thighs, abdomen and flank, as well as specific areas such as back fat, bra fat, the banana roll under the buttocks and fat under your arms.
To find out more about your suitability for CoolSculpting treatments, contact the aesthetic specialists at Dermatology Associates of Central New Jersey. With three locations, they’re conveniently located and ready to help you with your body shaping goals. Call or click today to schedule a consultation.
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