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Common Causes of Rosacea

Common Causes of Rosacea

Rosacea may be common, but that doesn’t make it easier to live with. More than 14 million Americans live with this condition, and they often share certain similarities, such as:

The bad news is that there isn’t a cure for this condition, which causes skin — usually facial skin — to get red during a flare-up. However, there are things you can do to help prevent flare-ups from occurring. And one of them is learning what can trigger flare-ups.

Our expert dermatologists and skin specialists at Dermatology Associates of Central NJ offer effective treatments for rosacea that can limit flare-ups and improve your overall skin quality. 

If you have rosacea, here are the most common triggers you should avoid.

1. Sun exposure

There are a lot of reasons to watch your exposure to sunlight, and if you have rosacea, you have one more.

People with rosacea list sunlight as a primary trigger for flare-ups. And most people with rosacea have fair skin, making them sunburn easily. Fortunately, you can keep the sun’s damaging and rosacea-triggering rays away from your skin by taking a few simple steps, such as:

Our team can also help you find the right kind of sunscreen that can keep you safe without irritating your skin, so you can protect your skin from cancer and aging and also help protect your skin from rosacea flare-ups.

2. Certain foods

You may love the extra punch of jalapeno peppers, but hot or spicy foods can raise your body temperature, which could trigger an outbreak.

Keeping a food diary can help pinpoint whether certain spices are causing your rosacea flare-ups. If certain spices are affecting you, try avoiding them for at least 30 days to see if your skin improves.

3. Too much stress

Stress may be a normal part of life, but chronic stress can wear you down. Furthermore, stress can trigger rosacea flare-ups.

If you feel overwhelmed, take a break and try to de-stress. Take a walk, relax with a good book, or talk with family or friends. The more you can lower the stress level, the fewer flare-ups you may have.

4. Not enough water

You probably know you’re supposed to drink about 8-10 cups of water or other healthy fluids a day, but do you? And do you drink more water if you sweat heavily or work out? 

If you have rosacea, you have another reason to double down on your liquids. That’s because you’re more susceptible to rosacea flare-ups when your skin gets dehydrated, so you need to work extra hard to avoid dehydration. But, depending on your environment, water and healthy liquids may not be enough.

For people living or working in arid environments, we recommend installing humidifiers where you spend extensive amounts of time to ensure that your skin gets the moisture it needs. Adding a medical-grade moisturizer to your skincare regimen can also help lock moisture into your skin. 

Our team can provide personalized recommendations to keep your skin properly hydrated based on your unique needs and skin type. 

5. Extreme temperatures

Extreme weather conditions — such as hot weather, cold weather, and high winds — can irritate the skin and trigger an outbreak.

Bundle up beforehand to protect your skin if you have to head outside on a cold or windy day. During the winter months, wear plenty of layers so you can peel them off if you start feeling overheated. And during the summer months, try to stay in doors or in the shade.

Journal your way to relief

A great way to get an idea of what could be causing your flare-ups is to keep a journal that tracks your potential triggers. All you have to do is record when you have a flare-up and what factors could have triggered them.

This may sound like one more thing to do in the midst of an already busy day, but it’s worth the effort. Many people with rosacea who have adjusted their lifestyles have been able to reduce their flare-ups.

Do you have rosacea and struggle with flare-ups? We can help you get better control over the disease. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Dermatology Associates of Central NJ today. We have offices in Old Bridge, Union, and Freehold, New Jersey.

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